Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Light Reading


This is my view as of 3 am this morning :)  And to say I am enjoying it would be an understatement.

I shouldn't be here, where I am in this moment.  In fact, I believe that any Christian who understands his position, would and should feel the same.  "there by the grace of God go I."  that's what I think of in these moments.

It is His grace, and His mercy - and those items alone - that have allowed me to have all of "this."  

And I want to say that there's not a day that goes by that I don't realize it.  but that wouldn't be true. Most days, though, I do remember.  Remember who I used to be - an arrogant condescending individual who was so lost, he didn't even realize it.

I suppose that's why I relish 2 am risings.  I've found it's the best time that I can study His word.  I get to search multiple translations and immerse myself in the "treasures and the mysteries". The Holy Spirit convicts, counsels, and speaks to me through His Word. And I am so grateful that He does.

Thank you Logos for such an amazing program, that has allowed me to return to my first love.

Thank you Dr. Osborne, for the work you laid out in your commentaries.  I cannot study a New Testament passage without ensuring I have one of your commentaries. And thank you for showing me what it means to be both a scholar and servant of Christ.

(A lesson to us all - we may never know on this earth the lives we've touched. I'm just grateful.)

And most important, thank you God for saving me - from sin, from hell, and from myself.  All glory and grace goes to you, my Father, my King, my Redeemer.

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I originally wrote this November 2023.  And forgot to publish it. But I wrote it in the moment, and so very glad I did. Even had some pics t...