Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rest Stop

Buckeye Lake Rest Stop

This, dear reader, is going to be a quick one. I've got a job interview in about an hour via Skype, and so I've got to get ready for that.

For being unemployed, life is  really busy.  Figuring out how to pay bills, helping the wife babysit and overall housework keeps me constantly moving. Fortunately I've settled into somewhat of a routine.  Get a chance in the morning to read thanks to the folks over at Bible Gateway.  Playing catch up really, got a couple of weeks behind.  And the fact i was in Numbers/Deuteronomy probably didn't motivate me as much as I would like.

But now I'm off and in Judges and I Samuel.  That's just some great reading there.  David's Friendship with Jonathan, Saul hates him and wants to kill him.  The priests sons dishonoring them and dying by fire.  Almost sounds like Game of Thrones.  Unfortunately, though, not as popular.

But that's not what today is about.  I thought I'd bring you a break, like the one I experienced.  Here I was plugging away at the finances, trying to make sure all the bills were covered (success, thank you God).  Zoning in with my Bose headphones.

And I just had to stop and soak in the moment.  And in the middle of the 4 million things you'll accomplish (or at least maybe try), I encourage you to do the same.


This video represents to me the ultimate form of worship.  Forget about the worshipers, the stage, and just soak it in.  His presence.  Of course you can't see it, but you must feel it.  Feel it permeate your heart, and deep into your soul.

Allow it to rejuvenate those tired bones, and relax your overwhelmed mind.  Take a moment's pause from all that troubles you, and rest.

You are in a battle, you know.  Sad part is we all (including myself) lose sight of that fact, and wonder at the end of the day why we feel. so. tired.

So go ahead, take a break - a spiritual rest stop if you will.  Regardless of your current situation, or preoccupation you are currently in the presence of God Almighty. Close your eyes, raise your hands to the sky and drink it all on.  Let it wash away your worries, your fears, and all the unknowns that trouble you, dear friend.

Because while this praise is all for Him, the blessings received from His goodness and grace are ours to receive.

And remember that no matter what you face today, this life is just a temporary movement in the midst of an eternal song.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Walk a mile in their shoes

Image result for walking on a road image jpeg

That statement is so true.

A few years ago, a highly qualified employee was let go.  She had her moments of course, but as a fellow employee, my heart went out to her when I'd learned she had lost her job.  Her ex husband was my locksmith, and whenever he came out to do work, I'd ask how she was doing.  Three months passed, then four, and still she had no work.  I remember thinking she was being too over selective in her prospects.  Finally, at about the six month mark, he informed me she'd found work.

I thought about her today as I sat in the unemployment office.  And as I reflected on my current state of affairs, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.  How quick I'd been to criticize.  And yet here I was, coming upon the five month mark, walking the very same road she did - on food stamps, collecting unemployment, with a very tough job market ahead of me. 

Nowadays, I'm slow to speak, and ever slower to judge.  I'm still a work in progress.  And one thing I've learned these last few months is that not everyone collecting food stamps are lazy.  They are many, like me, who are searching every possible method of finding employ that meets their family's needs.  We spend hours a day at the computer, applying for job after job, with very little to no response.

Work agencies aren't what they used to be, either.  That's not necessarily their fault, it's just an indication of how much the workforce has changed over the last twenty years..  In my 20's, I'd worked for temp agencies, and never lacked for work.  Make the right impression, even on a week long assignment, and it's entirely possible something permanent developed. Nowadays, temp agencies are more concerned about getting you in the right place, "marrying" you to the right employer.  So be patient.

Here's something I didn't know.  Temp agencies will post positions on job search websites that aren't even available.  Many times I'd apply for EA jobs, but never heard back after the initial interview.  I kept hearing, "we don't have anything for you right now," which confused me considering I'd just applied for a job I knew I was qualified for.  It wasn't until a recruiter explained that these agencies were simply filling their rosters for future positions.  Knowing that took some of the sting out of the rejection.

So what's a person to do?  There are a lot of resources out there for the unemployed - even if you don't qualify to receive unemployment.  Maybe you find yourself in my shoes.  I'm 40ish, married with 3 kids.  I'm a jack of all trades, master of none, which can be a negative when looking for a job.  Why?  Because you don't have that ONE thing career wise that people look for. 

If you find yourself recently unemployed and searching, here's some things that might help

1.  Unemployment office.  They'll ensure if you're entitled to receive benefits that you do receive them.  Even if you're not, they will help you through the transition and advise you of all the resources at your disposal -  for no charge.
2.  Go to your local workforce center (THIS IS AN UNDERUSED TOOL).  Mine had a couple of folks who were willing to work with me.  I am pursuing a career change, and might have a way of paying for it now, even though I'm unemployed.  There's a lot of state assistance out there. Don't be afraid to use it. My guess is your tax dollars have more than paid for it already :)

Maybe you're like me and you don't know what you like to do.  Here's a couple of tools that will help you find your way.

1. http://traitmarker.com/signup - one of the best tests I've taken.  It's not a standard personality test.  Gave me a lot of direction in helping me determine my new career path.  It's only $29.99 and comes with a free ebook. For me, this test was a CRITICAL first step in determining what I was put on this earth to do. I HIGHLY recommend it

2. www.careerinfornet.org/skills - helps you determine your job skills are.  if it was me, take the traitmarker first, then this one.  There's no charge associated with this one.

3. www.mynextmove.org - for those just entering the labor market

It takes work, as well as a LOT of courage to do what you want to do.  If you're patient enough, and have the support at home, you'll get where you need to go.  While I've not arrived at my destination, it's a lot more comforting to know what I like to do.  Don't be discouraged - you can get there too :)

Only time will tell

I love being married.  It's been everything and nothing like I'd thought it would be.  Companionship alone is such a hard experiment sometimes.  Two people with completely different sides, yet so much alike, living under one roof.  Total chaos.

One of the unexpected side benefits is when your partner sees things in you that you can't.  At first it can be annoying, or easily dismissed.  Great part about it is you're forced to take a step back and reexamine yourself.  Can I really be that much of a jerk?

The answer today was yes.  Without even realizing it, I'd was told I was a bear on the rampage.  Now granted, if you're Hispanic, you don't use those terms.  But through the translation, the message was clear - something was bothering me and I needed to figure it out.

It's been almost five months since I lost my job.  The challenges I've recently faced are brand new to me, and I don't always realize how much of an impact it has.  I've applied, interview, applied, researched, taken personality tests, and applied again, only to face a constant stream of rejection.  Overqualified, make too much money, not exactly what we're looking for - you get the picture.

Today it came to a helm.  I'm sure you've been there - someone cuts you off, you get mad.  Fortunately things didn't get out of hand.  But it stopped me cold - something was wrong, and now even I could see it.  So I came home, apologized to my wife for what it seems the 11 millionth time, and said a quick prayer to God, begging him to fix this mess in my life.

I wish I could tell you what exactly is wrong.  I can't, but man I FEEL off.  I've slowed down, remove some time wasters and created new habits.  I began walking in the morning (2 days straight so far, so yeah I just started).  Eating a little healthier, cut out soda, and even decided on a new career.

There's a flip side to that you now.  Judgment day is coming.  Pretty soon the cushion I had will fall away and the reality of unemployment will sit in.  Well even more so now than before.  How can I apply for so many jobs and experience so little response.

It's all a man can do to stay sane.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Next Big Thing

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." (Arthur Fletcher)

A friend of mine's father once told him that if he was to have a vice, to only have one.  More than that, and a man becomes overwhelmed and lost.

Sometimes passions can become vices.  There are those we can curtail, such as eating.  Sure we still enjoy them, but not to excess. 

Others start out as a simple enjoyment.  The more we enjoy, the more time we spend.  Minutes become hours, and hours become days (collectively speaking of course).  One day, we turn around and part of our life has passed nor where the time went.

Yesterday I said goodbye to one of those vices myself.

I've been an avid gamer for years.  Grown up on computers since my teens, been drawn to them ever since.  I remember the first time I played an MMPORG, I had no idea what they were or how Massive the "M" in that abbreviation was.  After starting to play, I realized that I wasn't going to beat this game any time soon.

So I created another character, and then another.  I studied, rebuilt my game, and studied some more. I become well versed in the game, and combined with my ability to teach/train, began showing others the ins and outs.  I made thousands of pieces of gold, only to give it away.

Now, it's five years later.  I've spent hours/days enjoying this past time.  I'm by no means the best at my class, but it was fun. I was constantly learning, and enjoying it. 

But then, a reality began to set in.  I wasn't reading as much as I used to.  Books were bought and placed on my shelf, without even a second glance.  As I stood in the library yesterday, I realized what I'd become - someone who collects books instead of reading them.


I've done my best to accept eBooks.  But I can't.  Maybe I'm too old, maybe it's the journey of the book in the hands of multiple owners, maybe it's the smells that such books have.  I will always love books because of where they take you.  They push and shove against the walls of your imagination, to new thrilling heights  They challenge you and motivate you as you turn each page, and comfort you in the midst of a crazy, crazy world.

In the land of Azeroth, though, I'd lost that.  Sure I'd grown, I'd learned a little; but when compared to what I had lost, there was no contest. And I've always known that I want something more.

For me personally, when I leave something like this, I don't do stages.  The temptation to go back would be too great.  So I quit cold turkey.  It surprised me a bit, I guess.  5 years of work gone in a matter of a few minutes.  But it had to be done.  Better yet-I wanted to do it!

As with any habit though, I've got to fill it with something good.  Like writing in this blog for instance :)  If I don't, that hole will sit there, begging to be filled.  I'll be tempted to go back to Stormwind, and that is a road I no longer wish to travel.


I originally wrote this November 2023.  And forgot to publish it. But I wrote it in the moment, and so very glad I did. Even had some pics t...