I tried to find a cute meme or quote to start this blog post. I quickly realized it was useless. The quote I was looking for had to do somewhat with change and life. Thought it would be cute to include something like that, but I wasn't feeling it. There are some stories that are written, years in the making and I'm learning you can't always sum them up in neat little packages. I've had this topic on my heart for a few days, even seeks, knowing I'd want to write about it at some point. Today seems to be that day.
I wonder how I'll remember this summer ten years from now. I guess one of the things that'll stand out is CHANGE. A year ago we were in Virginia Beach, enjoying our family vacation. Personally, I don't like the beach. I've got extremely fair skin, so the combination of sand and sun don't much appease to me. To the rest of my family, however, it does. They seem to bronze like the ancient goddesses past with such ease - even Stephanie goes from pale to brown. Me, I simply burn, and then go back the pale white of my forefathers. But we ended up having a great time, visiting the aquarium and making some great memories.
As my title states, there are several changes coming. Stephanie will be starting school soon (a separate blog post for that one), my job has some uncertainty in the ensuing months, and in the next few months we are moving to a smaller place. Sure I've moved before, but this time it's different.
I've learned alot these last 10 years, and one of the joys I've been able to experience for the first time is the unconditional love of a family. I still remember meeting Fer for the first time. My relationship with his sister, my wife, was just starting. He was young, 18 I think, and a blast to be around.
He's always been close to his family, to my wife in particular, and he was always supportive of our relationship, something critical for us both. One of the most challenging stages I think in a cross cultural relationship are those first few months. It seems that you have everyone in your life, both family and friends alike, who try to "help" you. They constantly explain to you there are differences, and warn you of the impending doom that awaits. Not Fer, though.
After sometime, he met his (now) wife, Kittie. In an effort to save money, we shared housing. And it just seemed to click. Years came and went, and with the exception of about 18 months, we've been together ever since then . . .
Learning, growing, celebrating together . . . .
enjoying the good times and the bad, as families always do . . . .
As in any case, it's never been a bed of roses. You're going to have disagreements because, well people change. They grow up and become their own person(s). That's life. And for a while it was hard for me to accept that. Fernando and Kittie were part of our family, the family that I never had had. And the beauty of it was they accepted me - regardless of our differences, language and cultural and personality. Because at the end of the day, whatever the situation was, there was always love and respect.
I've learned is to never underestimate those younger than you, or presume they can not teach you anything. For what it's worth, I'm a living example of that. Through many of the hardships I've had in life, one of my handicaps was my inexperience of having a family. So when Stephanie was born, I was deathly terrified because I wasn't sure what to do.
But those two were so patient, loving and kind. They didn't say much, only showed me what to do through the way they treated me and those I loved. There were the first ones there when Stephanie was born
always there for birthday parties . . . . .
and for pretty much every holiday we've had over the last 8 years . . . . .
and loved us like only family can . . . .
Imagining daily life without them seems near impossible right now, because they have always been with us every step of the way, supporting us, caring, and encouraging whenever they could, even if they didn't always understand. Our families have grown in size over these last few years, and it's time to embark on a new separate adventures. And while we may not always share those future adventures under the same roof, I know we'll be thinking of them with great fondness.
To Fer and Kittie I say this - Thank you for the difference you've made in my life. I simply wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for you both. You know you'll always have a special place in our hears, and we wish you well. We'll always be there for you and are so very grateful for the time we've had together.