Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy New Year

Before embracing a new year, i must stop if but for a second to reflect on this past year.  Facebook has a year in review of all the different things that you posted, friends you added or pictures you took over the last year.  I ran mine, and it, well, seemed a bit empty.

I've decided it worthless to attempt to summarize this past year in a mere collage of "things."  It was so much more than that, and the new year hasn't even started yet.  I find myself absolutely excited to embrace the new year.  So much will happen, I just know it.  But first the review.

This year started out quiet, but with alot of learning and growing.  As some of you may or may not know, i'm in the processing of bringing over my wife's daugthers.  It is a complicated process, and has already taken too much time for the first one then I could have ever anticipated.  The moment you think you're done, there's another form to file, another hole to explain.  Trust me I would have started much earlier had I known.

I've learned you have to constantly follow up with Immigration, even though they do their best, because they are so many immigrants who want to be here.  I've learned so much about the process as a whole and unfortunately I've had to learn so much on the fly . . . .

The summer was simply fantastic.  Went to Ocean City with the family and it was awesome.  So much so we're going back.  Not so much for the scenery but just to be together.  Then late summer came, and we had to move out.  Misunderstandings and alot of unexpected expenses followed, and relationships were strained with the change and the heat.

But then the fall came.  As the leaves and the temperature began to fall, so did the tension.  And the love and the peace that we'd longed for so returned.  And ever since then it has been fantastic. It seemed to go so well . . .

Then once again Death's hand touched my family.  My grandmother, aged 90, went home.  The matriarch of our family, the rock had slipped from our lives quietly.  Yet the hole it left was tremendous.  A constant encourager, and a ready smile she was fantastic.

I can still hear her voice and will so for many years to come.  But I know she's in a better place .  And someday I will see her again soon.


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I originally wrote this November 2023.  And forgot to publish it. But I wrote it in the moment, and so very glad I did. Even had some pics t...