Thursday, May 7, 2020

Eternally Grateful

A new day.  A new blog them.  Quite apropos for a guy who loves to cook and enjoys eating almost as much.

The title?  well, two and a half weeks of being sick, one of those weeks spent in an hospital bed.  Yeah, I was worse for the wear.  Couldn't breath, could barely walk.  Still have yet to see the doctors bill, but I'll be paying that one for a while.

But who cares.

I'm alive.  And even more so, blessed, because I was able to see what some never see - the amount of people who love you and will miss you when you're gone.

My wife showed me here phone, the countless "how's Matt" questions she fielded while I lay in a hospital bed, just trying to get through the day.

I've not quite rectified the eternal question of "why me", as in why was I allowed to live while so many died.  I realize that many have their opinions on this sickness.

having experienced it first hand, let me tell you - it's every bit as powerful an fatal as they say.  It's not a political play, it's not a platform or exaggeration of the media.

It is very real, very painful, and very deadly.

Wash your hands, cover your face and be smart.

Many before us have had everything stripped away because they thought it wasn't real.

It is.

I'm one of the lucky ones.  I didn't have to die to see how many folks love me, how many prayed as I laid in that hospital.

I've been grateful for the life and love God has given me.  Today, even more so.

Glad to be back.  Grateful to have another day to live, to love and to laugh.

Eternally grateful . . . 


I originally wrote this November 2023.  And forgot to publish it. But I wrote it in the moment, and so very glad I did. Even had some pics t...