About a year or so ago, I logged into Blogger. As I looked at my blog, I noticed there was a button up top which said "Next Blog." So I clicked it. And clicked again. And again.
I can't remember how long I surfed through the various blogs - quite possibly an hour or so. And there was something that really stuck out.
So many of the "most recent" blog posts were old. Some were only a few months, but most were several years old.
Which made me wonder - why do people stop blogging? Is it that they become disheartened that no on "hears them." Do they feel as if their message has fallen on deaf ears, or that no one cares?
I understand that feeling. That's why sometime ago I chose to write for me, and not for the masses. Of course, if can impact someone's life, well, even better. But my writing, though shared with the world wide web, is for me. An outlet, a release to share what's on my heart and in my mind.
A place to practice, to string together words. To think, type, think, analyze, read, edit, delete.
And publish . . .
Life has been great these last eight months.
I've gotten a new job. I thought the old one was my dream job. Sadly, it wasn't. It was nothing I'd thought it would be.
A failure? Probably.
Another fork in the road, that showed me what I wanted really wasn't what I wanted? Absolutely.
Aren't we humans fickle creatures?
Any regrets? Hell no.
And now, I work longer hours. And am surrounded by great people.
I am challenged, motivated, and more tired on a grander scale. But it's still a place of employ, like it's predecessors, and only part of my complete life.
And even more importantly, we own a home.
So much sooner than we'd ever hoped for. So much joy and happiness than I could have ever imagined.
So. much. love.
I'm counting the hours, minutes, until they're home.
Tick, Tock. Tick Tock.
I can't remember how long I surfed through the various blogs - quite possibly an hour or so. And there was something that really stuck out.
So many of the "most recent" blog posts were old. Some were only a few months, but most were several years old.
Which made me wonder - why do people stop blogging? Is it that they become disheartened that no on "hears them." Do they feel as if their message has fallen on deaf ears, or that no one cares?
I understand that feeling. That's why sometime ago I chose to write for me, and not for the masses. Of course, if can impact someone's life, well, even better. But my writing, though shared with the world wide web, is for me. An outlet, a release to share what's on my heart and in my mind.
A place to practice, to string together words. To think, type, think, analyze, read, edit, delete.
And publish . . .
Life has been great these last eight months.
I've gotten a new job. I thought the old one was my dream job. Sadly, it wasn't. It was nothing I'd thought it would be.
A failure? Probably.
Another fork in the road, that showed me what I wanted really wasn't what I wanted? Absolutely.
Aren't we humans fickle creatures?
Any regrets? Hell no.
And now, I work longer hours. And am surrounded by great people.
I am challenged, motivated, and more tired on a grander scale. But it's still a place of employ, like it's predecessors, and only part of my complete life.
And even more importantly, we own a home.
So much sooner than we'd ever hoped for. So much joy and happiness than I could have ever imagined.
So. much. love.
I'm counting the hours, minutes, until they're home.
Tick, Tock. Tick Tock.