Dear Readers,
First off, I wanted to say a hearty hello to you all out there, wherever you are and whomever you may be. I find myself of particularly sound mind and good spirits this Saturday evening. The kids watching Despicable Me and laughing until their sides hurt. So I'll just make some tea and write.
My home is happier this year. I've got the wood stove and Matt Robinson to thank for that. It was wonderful to see my wife last night pause and look at the living room with a beam on her face. My wife has suffered much, as so many have. The how is not important, just that she has passed through that and is enjoying life now. I must confess it brings a warm feeling to my heart to see finally her so happy.
The other day I was perusing my facebook page. I'll tell you that I'm not a big fan of it, don't live on it, and by all means I don't put everything on it that I'm feeling or thinking. I suppose I'd rather live life in the moment, oftentimes away from social media. I wanted to enjoy it rather than preoccupy myself with the right picture the right title, or impressing the viewer/reader.
But this caught my eye and I had to read it. Many of you are familiar with the rules, a poster which explains how men are wrong and women are right. This one was quite different as it explained the different in thought processes between men and women. You can read it here. Now, I'm not a stereotype. I definitely don't appreciate men being made out into neanderthals, nor the downgrading of the female sex either.
So it was refreshing to see the different communication styles/thought process explained so well. I loved and thought it was spot on. I mean that's how I think. Whatever box I'm dealing with, that's my only box. As I've grown older, I've improved on my abilities of quickly switching between boxes but for the most part I have one box at a time, and give my absolute all to it in the moment. In fact there have been a few older boxes I've looked at and dealt with.
These boxes, well they go back years. I've contemplated, written about them and come to terms with them. I don't bring them out but on a very rare occasion. These are boxes which are settled, taped and sealed with the utmost care. Not because I refuse to open them, simply there's no need. The items in these boxes have been laid to rest sometime ago. As time wore one, I'd forgotten about what exactly was in there, so it was quite refreshing to see those old friends once again. However, as I resealed the box, I wondered if I'd ever open them again.
I'm constantly reminded about how well life is right now. Among the trials of life, I am so truly blessed. Not always easy, but I'm so grateful for all I've been blessed with, and grateful that there are no more only nights, crying yourself to sleep, or wondering where the next meal comes from. No, there is only laughter pealing down the hall, the crackling of firewood on the stove, and the smell of fresh hot tea on this cold winter's night.
If you've not done it yet today, grab your children and loved ones tight. Look them straight in the eyes, and with sincerity and all the love can muster, tell them how much you love them - and make sure to smile :)
Here's wishing you a Happy weekend :)