Saturday, November 19, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation

I've always wondered about this theory until a few weeks ago.  Nver seen the movie, but the idea has stuck with me and I've wondered about it from time to time.  I figured, though, that with all my travels and the people I had met in my life that six degrees was cutting it way too close.

I have a handful of folks as "friends" in Facebook.  I had over 300 at one time, but felt that to be too much.  Do I know that many people, yes.  Do i really want to work so hard at it as to keep up with all their updates, no.  So I took a bunch of them off.  Not because I don't like them -- it was just too much work.

Their are a few I haven't seen since college yet I've kept as friends.  I think the biggest reason for that is I've found them interesting.  Can't put my finger on it, but each one has something i think is really cool.  For example, there's one who is married and has childredn.  I've been just amazed at his love for his kids.  His wife writes about it alot, and I don't know - just that I've always wanted to be a great dad.  And seeing someone else do it, well, I thought it was pretty cool.

Anyhoo, from time to time I'll look through my friends friends, just to see if they know someone random that i know.  And of them does.  And wow, i was so not expecting this.  You ever have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex that just crashed?  Yeah I've had one or two.  Anyway this girl's sister was a friend of an old interest of mine.  Can you say 4 degrees of separation?

Wife and baby are gone out tonight.  Listening to swing music - nice quiet house.  That is except for the music :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I was one of the fortunate ones, depending on how you look at it.  Even though we are in the process of adoption, my wife and I decided we wanted a baby of our own.  Needless to say there wasn't a whole lot of waiting and my wife was pregnant.

For those of who who've actually met my wife, they know she's about 5'8" compared to my 6'3" frame.  To say it was a tough pregnancy would be an understatement.  She was nauseous the entire term and our daughter was born in June of 2010 at 8 pounds and over 21 inches long.  Friends try to describe what parenthood's like.  And as you know, until you've had children of your own, such descriptions pale in comparison to the real thing.

As I've mentioned before my wife and I work alot.  We've been blessed with special situations in our life and are being used to help meet the needs of others.  Yet no matter how many hours we work, Stephanie is waiting for us and we are so glad she is.   What a joy!  We have this special thing we do, where when we come home, we yell "hehey!" and raise our hands up in the air.  I've wanted her to learn that we're excited to see her EVERY TIME.  Now when we get home, Stephanie's running around the house doing the same thing.  We'll be dog tired on the bed, and she'll come crashing in the room and say something like "Hey!" and raise her little left hand in the air.  It's the coolest thing.

Maybe a little crazy, but i've always dreamed of creating a home that's fun, that's a refuge for my family, kind of a way to shelter themselves when the world is too cruel.  A place where they can bring their friends and feel comfortable.  But most important of all, a home that they know they are very special and very much loved.  A home where they want to be, rather than feel they have to be.

And we're loving it.  We may not have everything we want, but we're content with what we have been given, and for that I am grateful.  Thanksgiving is 2 weeks away and I love cooking for it.  In my mind I've begun to tick off all the things I'm grateful for.  A loving wife, and awesome daughter, family abroad sorely missed.  My mouth is watering with images of website and youtube videos of new recipes.  I can't wait to see stephanie really enjoying her first thanksgiving dinner.  Maybe she'll fling the peas, or throw the mashed potatoes.  And you know what, i really won't care, as long as she's having fun :)

The wife is working tonight.  a double shift for her.  Steffie doesn't want to sleep until Mommie's here, but she's going to tucker out and crash anyway.   It's cute and a little sad.  When mommy's not here, she wanders the house and pouts.  My wife was so awesome during her pregnancy.  It was tough, but even through all the pain, she lovingly rubbed her stomach and talked to our child, well we both did.  And the blessings that we've reaped from that, i can't even begin to express our joy. 

I hope you have that joy.  I hope that each and every day you do something that others might consider a little crazy to bring that much more fun into your house.  After all, home is where the heart is.


I originally wrote this November 2023.  And forgot to publish it. But I wrote it in the moment, and so very glad I did. Even had some pics t...